So today is the day that you were due. It is so weird that you have already been in our lives for over a month. Here are some highlights from the first month.
The first 9 days of your life you were in the NICU. When you were first born, you didn't have enough fat to keep your body the temperature it was supposed to be so you had to be in an isolette. Your dad was the "milk man" and brought your milk to you every 3 hours. 8-11-2-5 both am and pm. I didn't get to come see you in the NICU for a day because I was still on medication.
After a few days, you had absolutely no trouble eating. In fact the nurses bragged on you being the easiest baby to feed. Once you were home you stayed on the schedule of every 3 hours. You love your bouncy seat. The swing is starting to grow on you a bit. You hate having your diaper changed or changing clothes. Anything where you are are not happy.
You loooove having your hands by your face or spread out in front of you. The longest you have slept is 6 hours which I really appreciated. Your first road trip to Baton Rouge was very successful. You didn't make a peep. That's your first month of life in a nutshell.
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