
Monday, May 30, 2011

Physical Therapy

Tatum and I went for her follow up visit at therapy this week.  She was mystified in the waiting room with this toy. 

OT was great.  Her fine motor skills are 2 months ahead of where she should be at 9 months.  They bribed her with puffs and of course she cooperated since food was involved.  She gets that from her mom.

More fun with the toy.

I forgot to get a picture of her doing PT mainly because we were getting pointers on how to help her progress along.  She's a little behind in the gross motor movement.  About 7 months in that department which is really only a few weeks off of her due date.  We don't have to go back for 3 more months!

Tatum attends her first birthday party

William is my friend Liz's little boy who Tatum plays with every week at girl's night.  They have a good time and love each other!  

We have already declared them girlfriend and boyfriend.  

William had a great birthday party at their house with great food and a cute cake.

William didn't dig into the cake like his Aunt Jennifer wanted him to!

Us trying to snap a pic before William took his nap.

We are excited about Tatum's birthday in September!

The Pool

One of my all time favorite activities is pool time!  I love being in the sun and  lounging by the pool.  Of course I wear SPF 55 at least! Tatum will definitely do the same.  Tatum finally got to go to the pool and lounge.

Tatum was all decked out in her polka dot bikini and flip flops from her Aunt Shea!

We got her a little float and she thought she was kicking her way around the pool 
although it was really us pushing her around the pool.  

Her hat is precious!  Reversible with a bow that snaps on it from Sara.

Many more fun days at the pool to come!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

8 months

It's so hard to believe that Tatum is 8 months now.  To mark this occasion, she got to have meat for the first time in her baby food.  So far turkey mixed with sweet potatoes has worked as well as chicken with pears. 

Tatum a lion.  We have not taught her how to do this....she simply started this on her own. It's HILARIOUS!!!

-Now she can growl on cue.  
-You are eating baby food much better and have started to eat fruit occasionally.
-You are sleeping soooo well!!  This Saturday you slept until 9am!!  We woke up before you!
-Still wearing 3 months clothing but can fit in some 6 month clothes
-Size 2 diaper
-You're now sitting up very well
-Content sitting up even if there isn't a toy for you
-Still addicted to your pacifier
-Your friend Lizzie James was born this month
-Not interested in crawling at all
-Drooling like none other but still no teeth.
-Only taking 4-5 bottles.  Each 5oz except night bottle is 7oz
-You recognize Philip and I
-Tonight you started whispering to your Dad
-You are such a happy and content baby....we are SO BLESSED!

There have been several historic events this week as well.  Prince William married Kate Middleton.
We had a royal wedding party with the girls and watched the wedding.

William loves to hang out with Tatum and helping her with her pacifier.

In other news when Tatum officially turned 8 months, Osama Bin Laden was killed.  
Your father is slightly obsessed with this story and watches the news allllll the time now.


Easter this year was very special.  First of all it was Tatum's first Easter.  Secondly, Shalane and her family were here for a week and we got to all catch up.  
Ally and Abram spent the night with us one night and Ally loooooved helping take care of Tatum. 

Tatum's not really sure of everything in this picture...... 

Ally and Tatum both had on light green dresses.  Automatically they had to have their picture taken of course!!  Shalane is going to keep Ally's dress for T one day.  
We are thankful for hand me downs like that!

Bouncing Around....

Tatum has a new love and it is her jumper.  She can jump for literally an hour.  Uncle Dusty and Aunt April were kind enough to lend us Hayden's jumper.   Tatum is definitely right leg dominate.  She pretty much hops on it the entire time.  Here she is in fast that she's a blur.

When she gets tired she'll simply lift her feet in the air for a little break.

We are able to get some things done around the house with this entertainment for her!!