
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

18 months

Life has been busy so I haven't had much time to document the latest on our lil here's some major catching up....

Recently Tatum had two ear infections
This picture depicts her behavior around that time.  Mama Jo got her these cute pj's for Christmas and she loves them!

Bath time is definitely one of the highlights of her day.  She loves to line up all of her toys on the edge and watch them dive into the water.  She lost her balance the other day and had a minor panic attack in the water but she's quickly resumed her playful demeanor in the tub.   Philip has also introduced bubble baths which she loooooves.

Per usual....she and Lola are still BFF.  Every morning Tatum waves bye bye to Lola.  She also says "BAD" when we get onto Lola for trying to eat her food or chew Tatum's toys.

The spice rack is still one of our favorite places to explore...

Tatum knows what a Sonic drink is...or any Styrofoam cup for that matter is usually taste tested by this chick.

We finally installed her TV in the back of my car and she loves The Lorax.

Teeth...Tatum isn't always a fan of brushing her teeth.  She's had 4 teeth forever and finally got another one on top and also a molar in the back came in last week.

The park has been a place that we've been frequenting.  She loves the swing and thinks that it's hilarious when she "hits" anyone while she's swinging.

Sliding with Daddy

Sliding with Mommy

Tatum loves prissing around on Sunday mornings. This is the first time I let her wear her pearl bracelet.  She literally walked around with her arm out for hours showing it off.  PRESH! 

I hosted a shower for Taryn and Tatum partook in the cupcakes....
We are excited about Hutch coming soon!

Tatum loves RayRay.  Here they are enjoying punch at Phillip's baby shower.

We spent Saturday with Mama Nell, Papa Dig, and Mama Jo recently.  Here's Mama Nell teaching Tatum all about our family.

She had a rough day and slept the whole way home from Minden.

So Valentine's Day I tried to get a similar picture from last year but Tatum was very upset that she wasn't allowed to have her pacifier for the picture......Recently she started arching her back and stomping her feet when she's mad.  I guess she saw someone at school do this....surely she didn't get it from her parents.

Riley had a princess party for her 4th birthday and Tatum wore a cute dress with a castle on it and loved the food...clearly...

Tatum and I love to play and take our pictures...

Tatum crashed boys night and fell asleep while Philip played Xbox with the guys.

She loves her CozyCoupe!

Philip and I went to Nola this weekend so that I could run the Rock n Roll Half Marathon and my parents kept her for us.  She enjoyed Orange Leaf with them...

18 Month Stats....

Height 30.5 inches

Weight 22 lbs

Head 18.5 inches

No shots this time!! YAY!

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