
Saturday, October 2, 2010

In the Beginning...

So this is my first post...obviously.  I thought I would start with how we first found out that Tatum was going to be a part of our life.  I had thought that I might be pregnant a few days and actually took a pregnancy test.  The test showed two negative signs so I thought that the test was negative, threw it away and went about my business for a week.  Then I decide to take another test.  Same kind.  Two negative lines.  I then start worrying that something is wrong with me.  I go to throw away the box and then see that two negative lines is a positive pregnancy test.  All I do at that point is laugh laugh laugh laugh.  You would think that the PA who has delivered babies and passed board exams in OBGYN could read a pregnancy test.  But no....I am the 1 out of the 1 in 4 women who cannot read a pregnancy test.....

So I then call Philip and tell him in between laughing that I cannot read a pregnancy test and once he realizes that I am pregnant I could tell he was smiling from ear to ear by the way he was talking.  I vividly remember sitting on the ledge of our tub in the bathroom talking with him and just laughing.

That night we made a slide show of the family over the last few years and the last picture said "More to come in 9 months."  We went over to Philip's parents house to show them the slide show and some girls were over watching the Bachelor.  Everyone was thrilled and crying and laughing.  So then we headed over to Shalane's house to tell them.  By this time it was 10:30 and they were all asleep.  We woke them all up to show them a video.  Jeremy thought someone had died or we were pregnant.  Thankfully it was the latter.

I couldn't wait to show my parents the video so they just got to hear it over the phone.  And that Tatum is how we found out and told everyone about you.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh! i didn't know you misread the pregnancy test! that's hilarious. i was lol!! great story :-)
